Piku learns to walk (Finally.... )

Finally the day came for which we had been waiting for since long. Piku started walking, although with imbalanced steps, but at least he started. This was the moment that we had been waiting for almost a year; the moment was joyous, very joyous; but little we knew that all the following moments are going to be torturous, very torturous.

First, report about "the moment" (tale of all accompanying moments in some later post):
One Saturday, he was silently strawling (stalking + crawling) me while I was doing a very important weekend household chore - searching for TV remote hidden by an irate wife. Everytime I turned back, he was right behind me, on all his fours. Either he was also looking for the remote or he wanted to entangle me & make me fall (I don't know why he would want to do this, may be to penalize me for writing these posts).

After few futile attempts, Piku added a new element to his weapons of mass demolition -audio (I've lots of mass, & if fallen, it would be as good as demolished). He started his attempts to distract me by chanting his favourite word - mummy. By now, I had become habitual of being referred as mummy, so I didn't pay much attention to frequent recitals of the word & continued my quest.

Here is what happened:

Piku (sitting behind me): "Mummy"
Wifey (from Kitchen): "Haan beta"
Me (searching for remote under sofa): <silent>

Piku (crawling somewhere nearby): "Mummyyyyyy...."
Wifey (from Kitchen): "Haaaan...."
Me (searching for remote behind sofa cushions): "Haan beta"

Piku: "Mum mum mum mum "
Wifey (from Kitchen): "My baby"
Me (searching for remote behind TV): "He is calling me"
Wifey (coming out of kitchen): "No, he is not"
Me (getting frustrated): "Don't be jealous because he is talking to me"
Wifey (standing somewhere behind me): "See for yourself"

... and then I saw Piku wobbling towards his mother, with smile on his face & TV remote in his hands.

Later I discovered that it was not my wife who hid the remote, instead it was my toddler who had cheerfully dumped my remote, errrr I mean TV remote in his cardboard box which is typically supposed to contain his toys.

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