Too busy to be Alive!

Yes, that's what I feel about most of us... we're living beings according to whatever we read in Biology, but in this race of surviving (& competing & earning money & maintaining status & what not... ) we've really forgotten what does it mean to be alive.
If I try to pen down my daily schedule, I'm sure many would feel as if I have written their's. For 5 (or 6) days of the week, getting up just to realize that you have time only to get yourself ready for office is not an uncommon thing; after-office hours are sufficient only to feed yourself & go to bed to face same thing the next day.
Weekends, typically mean spending daytime to finish all the household tasks that have been pending since long. Arrival of evening means going to a mall/movie/garden followed by a dinner at some posh restaurant or popular fast food outlet.
Is this what we would term as living... where are the activities that we used to do earlier.... talking to loved ones, walking in the rain, sitting under tree during daytime, watching planes take off etc....
I will sign off with following statement: I think, a line needs to be drawn where one can decide whether he/she needs to earn for living or live for earning :)

Satire on myself: I've gotta more work to do :)


Upendra Jariya said...

Columbus! Columbus...

Callmesid said...


Thats true but this is what life has become these the rat race of achieving the unwanted, yes I shud say that unwanted specifically we have forgotten the real voyage of life.

poor us

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