
Do you often face injustice? Are others getting "special" treatment? Do you feel like being treated as second citizen? If answer to all these questions is "yes", then I've another question for you - does it happen at your home also? :) If your answer is still "yes", then I've a news that might make you feel better - you're not alone - मेरी भी वही हालत है, I'm in the same situation :)

However, the discrimination that I've to face at home is getting intolerable. Being an engineer, I can state my problem as a theorem: 
If same request is made by me and my son Piku to my wife Ankita, mine would be denied and Piku's would be approved. 

Seriously, I can prove this! Let me use hypothesis testing for this. If I sound nerdy, I meant - let me tell you few incidents :)

Incident One - 

There are a few dishes that have a love-hate status in my house. I love them and wifey hates 'em. So, as expected, those don't get prepared very often. 
Last year when wifey was at Lucknow and I was in U.S., she told me over phone "today I've made one of your favourite dish".
I thought that since we haven't seen each other for almost 4 months, she must be missing me.
With affection oozing in every word, I said "Missing me 'eh. Is it love?"
Got a flat response instead "Nah, not really. Piku wanted to eat that".
I couldn't understand whether I should be sad that I've been neglected or should be happy because now people liking this dish are a majority in my house.

Incident Two - Someday few weeks ago:

Me - Madammm, can you please get me some water (notice the respectful language ;-) )
Wifey - I'm busy.
Me - I'm doing some work and can't get up right now. (Pssst.. I will let you in a secret - I was actually watching Arnold Schwarzenegger getting geared up with all kinds of heavy weapons in Commando; the scene that has been fascination for so many boys)
Wifey - No, you're watching TV and I'm in kitchen. Plus, my hands are dirty.
Me - But that's the point; you're already in the kitchen. So it would be easier for...
Wifey interrupted me and said - OK. I will get it whenever I'm done here.... (some muffled murmur continued)...
Piku - Mummaaaaaaaa... I'm thirsty.
Wifey magically appeared with a glass of water and one clean hand
Me - What about my water?
Wifey - You can drink whatever he leaves in the glass (and went back to kitchen); if you still need more, I will get it whenever I'm free.

Incident Three - Yesterday

Me - Can you come here please.
Answer - Why?
Me - Come here, I want to show you something
Wifey - What is it?
Me- I can show you only if you come here.
Wifey - I'm busy.
Piku - Mommmmm.... 
Wifey (comes to us and says) - What happened beta?
Piku (with an innocent smile) - Nothing, I was missing you; आपकी  याद आ रही थी .
Wifey (with sugar coated smile) - My sweet beta... (and planted a kiss on his cheek).

This was too much for me. I stopped her from going back and asked "Why this partiality with me?"
She said "what are you talking about?"
I went on explaining the theory and quoted these examples and asked again "Tell me. Why are you being partial to me?"
She responded with a smirk "Piku has a blood relation with me :-D"


Anonymous said...

Mast Hai!!!

Sunil said...

feeling sad for you but its happens with everyone.

Anand Mohan Shrivastava said...

Ha ha ha... it's not sad; it's funny. I've just penned only my version :) ; and we mustn't ignore the fact that this is all about giving the kids what they deserve - attention.

Mahesh said...

Good lines. Your word selection is amazing.

Anand Mohan Shrivastava said...

Thank you :~)

Unknown said...

WOW...It was really hilarious bhaiya because your friend sometime suffers the same way...felt like some body is beautifully portraying the Indian men pain of getting ignored often....great job :)

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