Feed quest

If you're thinking what this subject means, then this is about our ongoing hunt for new ways to ensure that our 6-month old toddler gets his share of nutrition.

Want more details? Here I go - once upon a time ... naaah, just kidding. Actually, our kid has developed some kind of dislike for milk at this early age; & since milk is the main source of nutrition for babies, so we are left with only one alternative - find new ways to get him to drink milk!

The trickiest part is that he keeps on learning from our techniques... now I know what do they mean when pediatrics say "babies are fast learner"; and that is a hands-on practical experience!

Here are some of our futile attempts:

We tried to confuse our baby by using bottle covers, but he started recognizing those within 2 days;
we switched to spoon-bowl combination, he caught us again;
we tried playing soothing music while feeding, he started enjoying it (the music, not the milk);
I tried to use force a couple of times, he retorted with regurgitation;
we tried giving him sweet-lime juice, he denied after 3 days;
we added pomegranate juice to that, he denied that too after 3 more days;
I switched ON the idiot box (TV), he got lost in that (ok, I can't blame him for this one; even I get lost while watching TV);
latest discovery - our baby still takes feeds while sleeping; however I think that this won't last long because he is getting into a habit of making us fall asleep before we can do the same to him & get up earlier than us!

Now our strategy pool is nearing exhaustion (our baby is winning once again), so currently we're trying mix 'n match techniques. Any suggestions?

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